- Demonstrate how to integrate AWS Lambda with API Gateway
- AWS account and proper permissions through IAM
Build a Lambda function
Log on AWS Web Console
Services -> Lambda -> Create function
- Function name: Lambda-API-Gateway-Demo
- Runtime: Node.js 12.x
- Permissions: Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions
- Click Create function button
Function code
- Code entry type: Edit code inline (other options: Upload a .zip file; Upload from S3)
- Runtime: Node.js 12.x
- Handler: index.handler
- index.js
exports.handler = async (event) => { // TODO implement const response = { statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify('Hello from Lambda!'), }; return response; };
Configure test event
- Create new test event
- Event template: Hello World
- Event name: LambdaDemo
- Keep the rest as default
- Click Test button to test
- Log output
{ "statusCode": 200, "body": "\"Hello from Lambda!\"" }
START RequestId: 30020ce5-86be-47d1-ba61-ef08393f9dc7 Version: $LATEST END RequestId: 30020ce5-86be-47d1-ba61-ef08393f9dc7 REPORT RequestId: 30020ce5-86be-47d1-ba61-ef08393f9dc7 Duration: 2.99 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 64 MB Init Duration: 423.93 ms
Add trigger
- Go to Designer UI of the function
- Add trigger
- Trigger configuration: API Gateway (other options: AWS IoT, Application Load Balancer, CloudWatch Events, CloudWatch Logs, DynamoDB, Kinesis, S3, SNS, SQS)
- API: Create a new API
- Security: Open (for testing purpose, not for production)
- Click Add button
- API Gateway looks like:
Lambda-API-Gateway-Demo-API arn:aws-cn:execute-api:cn-northwest-1:005464510748:5uac1lg2va/*/*/Lambda-API-Gateway-Demo API: api-gateway/5uac1lg2va/*/*/Lambda-API-Gateway-DemoAPI endpoint: https://5uac1lg2va.execute-api.cn-northwest-1.amazonaws.com.cn/default/Lambda-API-Gateway-Demo API name: Lambda-API-Gateway-Demo-API
Validate the integration
- Open the link https://5uac1lg2va.execute-api.cn-northwest-1.amazonaws.com.cn/default/Lambda-API-Gateway-Demo on browser
- “Hello from Lambda!” would be displayed
- Open the link https://5uac1lg2va.execute-api.cn-northwest-1.amazonaws.com.cn/default/Lambda-API-Gateway-Demo on browser
We achieved our goal successfully: AWS Lambda integration with API Gateway
- What we’ve done
- Created Lambda function
- Created API Gateway and added it as the Trigger of Lambda function
- Validation